Sturehof Stockholm

Sturehof has a century-long history and prime location on Stureplan and is one of the most popular and classic Swedish restaurants serving especially exquisite seafood and legendary Swedish meatballs.

Begun as a humble German-style beer hall Sturehof was transformed into a seafood restaurant in 1905 and many of the original dishes still feature on the menu today such as grilled Baltic herring and bouillabaisse.

Nowadays Sturehof renowned not only for its seafood but also typical Swedish classics with for example Vendace roe from Kalix, Sweden’s own delicious caviar, their own version of the shrimp dish Toast Skagen, delicious Reindeer from Swedish Lapland or still their incomparable meatballs.

Sturehof is also a stage for art exhibitions, concerts and artist performances.
Stureplan 2, 114 35 Stockholm, Sweden
+46 8 440 57 30